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Inland nw routes |
If you are suffering from “The Winter Blues”, there is relief.
First, log onto our website, and go to MORE in the drop brown menu. Then choose WRITINGS. In these sections are a lot of inspirational thots on a variety of subjects. Read each slowly, and contemplate what each message says to you. Then bundle up, put on warm coats and boots, scarfs and warm gloves. Near you are many parks. Take a walk along its paths, and experience Natures beauty. You who live in Spokane County, have a selection of Spokane Conservation Futures Tax properties to hike in. These properties for the most part, are designed for hiking. So….go take a hike. By the time you get home, you will have changed your attitude, and find that in Nature, there is personal peace. Unfortunately all of our problems are still among us, but you have a centering ability to tackle them with care. Likewise, I would like to ask any of you, if you have written inspirational thots, stories, poems, etc., please consider sending them to me. We will review them, and publish them in our WRITING sections. You can submit any questions, comments, criticisms, or gripes, by accessing the orange envelope at the bottom of every page. This method goes directly to me. This envelope can also be used for any kind of communications you wish to share with us. Thank you all for reading and using our website. We appreciate your use and input. TWO of my favorite.... There is a high. A high that comes from being in the mountains. If you'd never been there, you are missing out. Go to the mountains. Experience Nature’s high. chic. 8.12.2014 Spring Summer and Fall, as nice as they are, are simply fillers between ski seasons. chic 2011 Chic David
There’s nothing quit like the outdoors on a Winter day.
HIKING The air is crisp and cold, and dangers are all around. Use extra caution when walking by utilizing traction devises on your boots. But be aware, traction devises can trip you up if you are not careful. But more importantly, be 10% sure you are dressed appropriately. We have all heard about layering. Please take my word on this. If you do not dress well, you may suffer from several forms of cold injuries. DO NOT WEAR ANY COTTON CLOTHING IN THE MOUNTAINS. Check out our sections listed below. If the temperatures are below even 50°f, we can suffer. Now imagine being out in 20° or 8°f, or lower. Below 32° your face skin can freeze. At 8° your skin may turn whitish, and you may loose the ability to feel the freeze. ALWAYS use caution not only for you, but for your hiking partners. Along you sshoe (snowshoe), keep an eye on your friends. If they start unzipping their jacket or taking off their gloves, ACT FAST AND GET THEM TO A SAFE PLACE, IMMEDIATELY. On long hikes I take an automobile road flare. They burn at 1500°, and can start even frozen wood, on fire. But you will need to re-organize the group fast. Everyone must work in unison to get your friend/victim out to safety. And be sure to observe all in your party. Others can freeze while you are saving your first victim. If your friends condition worsens, or others suffer from the cold, it may put everyone else in danger. Please read thoroughly our RESOURCE section for specific information. SKIING If you are an avid skier, you know what to expect, what to wear, and how to act. All of the skills for Winter outings are the same as mentioned above. HOWEVER, at the speeds we ski, in 8° temps can windchill down to -11° at a modest speed. These kind of temperatures can cause frost bite or worse very quickly. In my WInter pack I carry many different size chemical hand warmers, and tape to secure them in place. I’ve been doing these sports for many decades. I have found that techniques and procedures, change as new science and products emerges. You may have a favorite source for understanding all this. So please reread these sources at the beginning of each Winter season. A source that I used to verify and double check myself information is listed below. Please gather every bit of information you can find. But DO NOT get you information from social media sites. Thank You All for Using our Website Chic David Hi Readers,
During my research I came across this article on GPS Units that all carriers should know. And a simple fix to protect against GPS problems. PLEASE LOG ONTO THIS URL, AND READ. No matter how much you rely on your GPS Unit, PLEASE, carry a map and compass. And know how to use them. This url is the Eastern Washington Orienteering Club. Also the Spokane Mountaineers has formed classes on orienteering. I know that learning a new sport is a lot of work. But when your life, or the life of family, friends, or fellow hikers are on the line, you must know what to do, and how to get out. OTHER OPTIONS AirFlare app. The AirFlare app, loads to your phone, and weight nothing, and could save your life. Even if you have a GPS Unit, it’s wise to have other options available to you. Batteries die! AirFlare only costs $4.99 a year. Why not have a backup? Below are online stores for buying maps. GOOGLE EARTH I use Google Earth to explore my desired route and do screenshots for my phone. I’m sure there are many other resources to utilize, so do your own research, and arm yourself with what you need, especially knowledge. Knowledge is the most important item you can take into the mountains. Please be safe, and educate yourself with all the knowledge you can find. A resource I’ve used is… And I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about our RESOURCE and HINTS sections. Please study our information and stay safe in Nature. Thank You for reading and using our website. Chic David WINTER HIKING
Hi readers, As Winters snow pile up, we all must practice good skills in the mountains. SSHOENG. (Snowshoeing) Most sshoe hikes are in terrain that snow slides rarely occur. But some trails lead to areas that caution should be used. Sshoeing requires balance and fast reaction times when out of balance. To make balancing safer, extend your ski pole lengths. This will give you a point of balance that is further away and more stable. Treat your ski boots with Boot Durable Water Repellent. There’s nothing more unpleasant, than slogging along in wet cold boots. They can also cause blisters. Treat your outer wear as mentioned in RESOURCES. Two good treatments are from NIKWax and Gearaid. Ask for their DURABLE WATER REPELLENT. Before you buy store bought water repellents, other than the above, check the web to make sure they DO NOT CONTAIN PFAS FOREVER CHEMICALS. The DWR products are people safe. Something I carry when in the Winter mountains, are automobile Road Flares. They burn at 1500°, and can start wet materials ablaze. ********************HOWEVER, YOU MUST USE EXTREME CAUTION IN CARRYING THEM.*************** I tape mine in a mailing tube, and it never gets put in a spot that may bend or break them. And I joy carry them outside my pack. That way bcan separate it from the act f needed. Please reread all the information in our RESOURCE section. You must know how to treat for cold injuries, and so much more. BACKCOUNTRY SKIING It’s very simple…..ENROLL IN A REPUTABLE CLASSES THAT WILL TEACH YOU ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW. Learning by doing, is not a good option. HIKING Winter hiking in March, April and May is spectacular. Often times you only need traction devises and ski poles for stability. GETTING TO THE TRAILHEAD As Winter’s snow accumulate, getting to the official trailhead, may not happen. So plan for your walk to include the winter trailheads to official trailhead, distances. A WISE PERSON KNOWS WHEN TO TURN AROUND Do not let others TELL you what you should do, in the mountains. Each of us, when we venture into the mountains, ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR SELVES. If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, TELL THEM. It better to be embarrassed, than to be rescued, or worse. Benjamin Franklin once said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” The very easiest way to overcome the Winter Blues, is to go out and really experience Winter in all its beauty. (start with The Finch Arboretum) But do not wear cotton anything. If they get wet, they zap your body heat in minutes. Look at GEAR-CHIC. In there are very good base layers that don’t cost like national brands. Please don’t let our Winters get you down. Check out the PHOTO GALLERY under each hikes write up. Winter Wonderlands are all around us. You too can see and appreciate the wonders of Winter. YAHOOOOOO, In the last 366 days, we have had 44,223 hits on our website. THANK YOU And everyone, have a safe and fun New Year. Chic David As Spring is about to turn into Winter, there are ways to see how the conditions are at your favorite ski resort or backcountry areas.
Log onto the below url.,-117.114,5,m:e4RacpI This will bring up a website that tells you so much about the conditions. Once on the HOME PAGE, tap “MENU”. What will come up, is a way to have all of your weather questions answered. Select the specific area you want to visit, and select what info you want to know. It will take a while to see all the features this site offers, but once you get it, it’s a world of information. Besides, there is one other websites to sharpen your skills.. Check out the following…. When you get on, scroll down until you see the Hourly Weather Forecast graph. Click on it and what comes up is my number 1 place to go for weather conditions. I have found out over the last few years, that the times of snow fall are as accurate as they could be, but there are a lot of unforeseen factors that influence those times. The amounts of snow, rain, sleet, etc., vary substantially, and are harder to predict. But by using these three websites to educate yourself, they will at least tell you how you must dress or even go to the area you intended. For additional information on all aspects of weather, log onto….. David snowboards, while I ski. We use these sites to get a better picture of the conditions we will encounter. Ben Franklin once said… “Some people are weatherwise, some are otherwise.” Be Weatherwise. “Turn off the news, go outside, breathe, you were never meant to carry the burden of the entire world.” Unknown “Its better to look ahead and prepare, than to look back and regret.” Jackie Joyner-Kersee Remember, the more you know, the safer and funnier your day will be. Thank You all for reading and using our website. Chic David STAYING FIT DURNG SNOW SEASON The hardest time of the year for me, is late Autumn. The weather is usually bad, the day light shortens, the temps get cold, but I find places to go to and hike no matter what. The issue is, I don’t get to go high in the mountains, on long ridge line walks. What I’ve found thru life, is if I fill the shoulder months with as much outdoor activities as possible, my outlook on life gets better. Science says, that as little as 120 minutes a week, spent in Nature, can do wonders for our well being, stress levels, blood pressure, peace of mind, and more. But committing to 30 to 60 minutes a day is difficult to fit into our busy lives. So do several 15 to 20 minutes walks throughout the day. Shoot for 60 minutes, but if all you get is 30 minutes, that’s okay. Maybe the next day, we can go just a few more minutes to each day. On days we feel good and can stay out longer, do so. Push your envelope just a bit every day. An old adage I’ve enjoyed thru life is as follows…. “Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch Obviously, the mountains are filling with fluff. So if you are unlikely to go to the mountains, below are some of the best places to experience Nature, and not necessarily be in snow. SPOKANE AREA This url will take you to more than a dozen locations in Spokane County to get out and enjoy Nature, year round. Dig around a bit on the county parks website above to see the many trails in and around Spokane County. The Dishman Hills is located south of Sprague Street, and west of South Dishman Mica Road. With over 3,200 acres to explore, these trails are well worth the effort to enjoy them. The above url will show you maps of the many trails at Dishman Hills. Get out and enjoy this local treasure. For those of you who want warmer areas to hike in, check out our section on the Washington Scablands. Log on and go to….. ACTIVITY……..HIKE…….WASHINGTON…..WASHINGTON SCABLANDS. Here you will find over 20 hikes west of Spokane. There is a lot of very nice areas to hike and enjoy warmer weather walks. In March or April, I keep hiking clothes in the car. If skiing isn’t good, I head for the Scabs. During these months, you don’t necessarily need snowshoes to get up high. Science says the below are benefits from spending time in Nature. MENTAL HEALTH Reduces stress and anxiety improves concentration and attention Lower risk of depression Increases positive emotions PHYSICAL HEALTH CAN.. Lower heart rate and blood pressure Increases Vitamin D levels Lower risk of heart disease Reduces risk of obesity and diabetes PAIN MANAGEMENT Patients recover from surgery better Experience less pain and stress Patients with a view of trees, tolerate pain better SLEEP Improves sleep. Allows for better sleep So, now that you are armed with WHY to go into Nature, and WHERE to go, don’t let the next 3 to 5 months get you down. GET UP AND GET OUTSIDE AND FEEL MOTHER NATURE AT HER BEST. Note: (At the bottom of each page on our website, is an envelope. This envelope will allow you to communicate with me directly.) Thank You for reading and using our website. Chic David
I visited David last week to discuss some ideas we both had for our website.
In the process of cleaning up our HOME PAGE, we decided to move our FOREST ALERTS to the individual trip write ups. The reason we decided to move this very important info to the write ups, is so you can check for any kind of issues, trying to get to the trailheads. Years ago, a friend and I were driving up to hike into Long Mountain Lake & Peak. As we drove the frontage road of the American Selkirks, we came up to a bridge that was being replaced. Our turnoff was about 300’ past the bridge work, we intended to drive up. We eventually had to drive back to Bonners Ferry and drove up 95 to near the Canadian border, to Copeland, and down to our forest road. All this took about an extra hour or so to reach the trailhead. It was on that trip that I decided to do two things to our website. 1st…I always advise hikers planning a trip, to call or get online to see if their trip would be affected by any kind of forest closures or delays. 2nd…it is very important that you tell a responsible person your itinerary, your exact route of hiking, and when to notify the local sheriff’s office, if you are overdue or late. IF YOU HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR DESTINATION, YOU MUST CALL YOUR RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO LET THEM KNOW OF YOUR CHANGES. IF YOU DON’T, AND ARE LATE OR INJURED, THE SEARCH PARTIES MAY BE LOOKING IN THE WRONG LOCATION FOR YOU. Both of these are critical in case of an unfortunate accident. TWO BEAR AIR RESCUE SERVICE We are very fortunate to have a rescue service close by to get us out of the woods and to an ambulance or hospital. Two years ago, I was leading a snowshoe (sshoe) next to Stevens Lakes. One of the participants, slipped and tore her Achilles Tendon off the behind. She could not walk or even stand up. I called 911, and the Shoshone County Sheriff, dispatched a three person rescue crew to us. Please keep in mind, it takes hours for a rescue crew to get to the accident site. Once the Shoshone County S&R leader got to us, the leader called TWO BEAR AIR. They are stationed out of Kalispell, so it took time for them to get to us. But when they were hovering above us, I realized my friend was going to get out, without a difficult and complicated rescue. Altho that was a great help in getting her out, the very best part, is….TWO BEAR AIR is a free rescue service. It cost my friend ZERO $. She was air lifted to Lookout Ski Areas parking lot, where an ambulance was waiting. So the moral to ALL of this is simple. STUFF HAPPEN IN THE MOUNTAINS. PLEASE PREPARE FOR ALL UNFORESEEN INCIDENTS. David and my goal is to provide you with the best knowledge we can. By doing this, you can plan your trip, or know what’s available to you, before you even put on your boots. Please check out our RESOURCES, HINTS and MEDICAL INFO sections for more important information, that everyone NEEDS TO KNOW. Thank You for reading and using our local website. Please be safe and learn what we all need to know to have “too much fun in the mountains”. Chic David |
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