“There is nothing more beautiful than a person who loves every step they take.”
Arielle Johnson, past this along to me. It is a quote her father says.
Adopt the pace of Nature;
her secret is patients.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
They stood here once, as we do-
Facing the unknown
with courage and desire.
For beyond the horizon are new roads
Greater tasks, nobler deeds
The trail to our future is challenging
But always, when blazing it
we will remember.
Ps…..I’m still a lot, floating on my dreams, of skiing yesterday at Silver Mt.
Or as I often explain…..An orgasm on sticks. c. 2.12.2024
The worse thing about carrying out your TP is carrying out someone else's.
Sawtooth Wilderness Ranger
Not ever adventure is for a cause,
but there’s always a cause for adventure.
A Cause For Adventure Crew
Don't worry when you are not recognized.
But strive to be worthy of recognition.
Abe Lincoln
Men are born, many men
but leave as one.
Ben Franklin once said….”Some people are weatherwise,
some are otherwise.
Don't worry when you are not recognized,
but strive to be worthy of recognition.
Abe Lincoln
“Great opportunities to help others seldom come,
but small ones surround us every day”.
Sally Koch
“If you are working on something that you really care about,
you don’t have to be pushed.
The vision pulls you”.
Steve Jobs
If I resist a nap,
is that
resisting a rest?
On 4.2.1973 Motorola employee Martin Cooper made the first public mobile telephone call on a Manhattan sidewalk, to Joel Engel of Bell Labs.
Cooper later told the BBC that his first words were, “Joel, I’m calling you from a ‘real’ cellular telephone a portable hand held telephone”.
“Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity.
Don’t fight them. Just find a new way to stand.”
Oprah Winfrey
“Go out on a limb….that’s where the fruit is”.
Will Rogers
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.”
Albert Einstein
“To reconnect with Nature is key if we want to save the planet”.
Jane Goodall
“So, if we lie to our government it’s a felony.
But if they lie to us, it’s politics”.
Bill Murray
“We learned from History,
that we never learned from History”.
Georg Hegel
“Challenges are a gift that forces us to search for a new center of gravity.
Don’t fight them.
Just find a new way to stand”.
Oprah Winfrey
”Nature is too big for humans to influence.”
This was stated by Colin N. Water in the 1920’s about our environment.
Mark Twain said this about New England weather…..
”If you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute”.
“In this odd business of mountaineering, a large number of unpleasant moments somehow combine to create an experience in which is wholly delightful”.
Arnold Lunn
As I walk in the forest my mind is free
I can smell fresh air and scented pines.
My eye catches the wonderful beauty
of sunlight dancing thru the trees
and the bright flowers of unknown colors.
As I listen, see, and smell,
I can see little animals in the trees
and birds perched on tree limbs
looking awkwardly down at me.
Everything in the forest has its own way
of being enjoyable.
Anita Jakob, age 11
excerpt from the Spokane Mountaineers 1970 Peak and Valleys
“Only where you have walked have you been”.
Purcell Wilderness Conservancy
"No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session."
Dan Evans, Past Washington Governor
“If you can find a path
with no obstacles
it probably doesn’t lead anywhere”.
Frank Clark
“….the most luxuriant and most extravagantly beauty of all the alpine gardens I ever beheld in all my mountain top wandering.”
John Muir, conservationist, 1889
Cats always look like they’re
“not mad just disappointed."
“If it is a shame to be the second man on Mount Everest,
Then I will have to live with this shame”.
Tensing Norqay
“Why are mountains always tired?
Because they don’t ever-rest!”
“The beauty of nature has been of the great inspiration of ones life.”
Jim Henson
“Ambition is the path to success.
Persistence is the vehicle you arrive on.”
Bill Bradley
“The man who doesn’t know what he wants is already there”.
Bernard Kopczynski, Chris Kopczynski’s father
Have you heard of "Mind over matter".
If you don't mind, it doesn’t matter.
Mark Twain
“No one is more hated
then he who tells
the truth.”
I think god gave us children,
so death wouldn’t be so disappointing.
Holland Taylor, aka Evelyn Harper,
Two and a Half Men
There are no bad people,
just uneducated people”
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” --
John Muir
There are no rules for a good picture, just good pictures.
Ansel Adams
“Mountains help me navigate what is most important to me. They balance the chaos that is regular life. Balance is what I strive to accomplish with climbing a balance of life, love and the mountains. Alpine climbing is a life-long commitment. I live and breath it.”
Jess Roskelley
is a question
of mind
over matter.
you don’t mind
it doesn’t matter.
Satchel Paige
With great power, there must also come great responsibility.
Stan Lee, Amazing Fantasy #15, 1962
What is life,
but the accumulating of...
the knowledge to live a descent life...
the desire to leave this life with integrity...
but to acquire as many fond memories as possible...
with images of ones life as a testimony...
a few, better then good friends...
and don’t forget the sounds of music...
or laughter to warm the heart...
How much water evaporates from the earth’s surface each year?
Approximately 102,000 cubic miles.
Stormrisc, S-R
If there's no snow (or rain) falling from the sky and you’re not in a cloud, then the temperature decreases by about 5.4°F for every 1,000 feet up you go in elevation.
However, if you’re in a cloud, or it is snowing/raining, the temperature decreases by about 3.3°F for every 1,000 feet up you go in elevation.
Thus meaning it’s a change of 6°C per 1,000 meters.
A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good
for an unhealthy but otherwise healthy adult
than all the medicine and psychology
in the world.
Paul Dudley White
A cartoon in the 2.28.2019 S.R
Two large trees were talking, when one said, “ You have a bad rash on your back!”
To which, the larger of the two replies, “I told you! Its not a rash!
It’s a Trail Marker!”
Mark Parisi
My computer said I had to change my password.
I entered “beef stew”
My computer said “Sorry password not stroganoff.”
My wife has a really odd way of starting a conversation.
She always begins by saying,
“Hey, are you listening?”
The fastest way to call a family meeting, is to simply turn off the WiFi router and wait in the room it is located.
I once tooted in an elevator. It was wrong on so many levels.
A young boy goes to his dad and says,
“Dad did you know in some countries you don’t know who your wife is until you get married.”
The dad replies,
“its like that everywhere, son.”
We do not rise to the level of our expectations.
We fall to the level of our training.
Carl Sandburg said,
“Time is the coin of your life.”
“It is the only coin you have,
and only you can determine
how it is spent.”
“Be careful
lest other people spend
it for you.”
Aug., 20, 2019 Spokesman- Review comics
I miss the big waves.
But I love the mountain more!
chic. 8.6.2019
Not all who wander, are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
“Somewhere in all of us is the power to change the world.”
Roald Dahl
The conspiracy of inaction.
In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies,
but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr.
The famous photographer, Ansel Adams once said:
“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government
to save our environment.”
Part of the urge to explore is the desire to get lost.
Tracey Johnston
The future depends on what you do today.
A landscape of white, blankets my view.
The trees are flocked, as if they are new.
chic. 12.28.2018
“Few things are as satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own.”
Doug Larson
The German word "knappen" means "to eat" and a knappensack was a sack holding things to eat: a knapsack.
"The great thing about getting old is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been."
Madeleine L'Engle
"I thought growing old would take longer."
Sandy Tarbox
A king can stand people fighting,
but he can't last long if people start thinking.
Will Rogers
Apropo for today's political climate.
World renowned photographer Ansel Adams observed:
It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government
to save our environment.
Ansel Adams. 3.6.2017
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and our government when it deserves it."
Benjamin Franklin
Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.
(Like Donald J. Trump maybe)
Anton Chekhov Russian Playwright
The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.
Apropo for today's political climate.
Adlai Stevenson
"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; everything else is public relations."
Eric Arthur Blair. aka , George Orwell
There is nothing wrong with America that can not be cured by what is right with America."
William J. Clinton
" Just because the dog likes your cooking doesn't mean you're a good cook.
She likes toilet water, too."
Unknown Cartoonist
I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.
Rosa Parks
Father to son, "Jeffy...never lie, cheat, or steal." "That's the Governments job."
Life's challenges can be devastating.
chic. 4.1.2017
A challenge to ones psyche.
An emotional roller coaster.
A great joy.
Incredible times.
A feeling of awe.
A sadness at times.
But always worth the effort.
chic. 4.1.2017
Obama is the only person to look worse after quitting cigarettes.
S.N.L.Skit. 7.2.2017
A Democrat is a Republican,
that spent a night in jail.
Everybody has a plan,
Until they get hit in the face.
Mike Tyson
If time is infinite,
why is there never enough of it?
john deere ad november, 2017
We must believe in luck,
For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like"
Jean Cocteau
Did you know I can cut down a dead tree by just looking at it?
It's true. I saw it with my own eyes.
What is every trees least favorite month?
The purpose of life is to live it,
to taste experience to the utmost,
to reach out eagerly and without fear
for newer and richer experiences.
Eleanor Roosevelt
"If wining isn't everything,
why do they keep score.
Vince Lombardi
"Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
Thomas Jones
"The secret to staying young is to live honestly,
eat slowly, and lie about your age,
Lucille Ball
"You've reached old age when the gleam in your eye is just the sun on your bifocals."
Henny Youngman
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
John Barrymore
"Half of our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save."
Will Rogers
"' A Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.'
That is why so many persons don't fool with it."
Dan Kidney
Signs you are really broke:
American Express calls and says:
"Leave home without it!"
A blonde bought an AM radio.
It has taken her a month to find out she could listen to it at night.
What do you get when you add media to democracy?
"If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth,
inventor of the television,
we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners."
Johnny Carson
"Truth is violated by falsehood,
but it is outraged by silence.
Henri-Frederic Amiel
French poet & Philosopher
Life is like a roll of toilet paper:
the closer you get to the end,
the faster it goes.
The Possum Lodge Man's Prayer
"I'm a man
but I can change
if I have to
I guess.
Red Green,
Canadian Comedian
"There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many,
controlled by the few."
Lawrence Lessig
"Few things are as satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own."
Doug Larson
Q. How much water is needed to produce 12 inches of snow per 1 square mile?
A. Over 17 million gallons.
Spokesman-Review Weathers
"If you wore bell-bottom pants, tie-dyes cloths and danced the boogie woogie,
why would you be embarrassed to get a colonoscopy?"
Deaconess cafeteria .
"Indeed, no storm can be more violent than those of a waterfall in the midst of which he delights to dwell."
John Muir
(The Ouzel is the only aquatic songbird.)
"I keep putting off the first day of the rest of my life."
Thaves. 3.9.2018
A cardiologist walks into a motorcycle repair shop.
The mechanic says, "Hey doc, come over here. I want to show you something."
The heart Doctor walks over to the mechanic.
The mechanic says, "I completely rebuilt this motor. Why is it that I get the small bucks and you get all the big bucks."
The doctor says, "Try doing that with the motor running."
Don Drapeau
Did you know that when you wonder, you're learning?
Fred Rogers
On Mother's Day, 2018 a commercial said this.
If Motherhood was easy, men could do it.
“Don’t sit around doing nothing.
Get up and do something.”
Ida Keeling
103 Year Old Marathoner
“ Can’t Nothing Bring Me Down” Book
As important as these opportunities are, it is also critical that we have places “to hear ourselves think,” away from the growing clamor of the planet. “In wildness is the preservation of the world,” wrote Henry Thoreau.
It is just as true today as when he penned that nearly 200 years ago.
Henry David Thorea
“Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.”
Neale Donald Walsch
If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson
Upon signing the National Wild and Scenic River Act, and the National Trail System Act of 1968.
Sagittarius 1: November 22 - December 21
Independent and strong-willed, Sagittarius personalities are all about going off the beaten path. Sagittarius is open-hearted, generous, big-spirited and painfully honest.
10.2018 From the Friends of Scotchman Peaks.
There will be times,
when you have to walk alone.
This is where,
you will find,
your own truth.
The Lemonade Lady
It’s wise to arrive a little late in this world,
then to arrive early in the next.
Peruvian Proverb
Obviously, it’s no fun to ski in.
But to see the snow rimmed trees,
drifting in and out of its grey,
is like a revisioning it’s beauty,
time and time again.
chic. 12.25.2018
As Christmas on the slopes of Silver Mountain, draws to a close, I hope our nation rises from our President’s insanity, to shine
in all its greatness.
chic. 12.25.2018
A landscape of white, blankets my view.
The trees are flocked, as if they are new.
chic. 12.28.2018
I am most in awe
of the Sub-Alpine Fir.
chic. 12.28.2018
Success in life is simply a ratio
of what you could have done
to what
you actually did.
Pickles by Brian Crane, comic strip 2.23.2020
Sometimes Mother Nature has the answers when you do not even know the questions.
Keith Wynn
In retirement.
it seems I am busier
then when
I worked.
Leading people is the most challenging and therefore, the most gratifying undertaking of all human endeavors.
Jocko Willink
The thing about hiking is that you can’t avoid the present tense for very long.
Suzanne Roberts, Spokane Mountaineers
Love many, trust few, but always paddle your own canoe.
English Adage
A man can be wise and keep a secret.
But it’s the wise man that doesn’t have to keep
a secret.
8.2020. G. Calin. Chris O’Donnell, NCIS LA
"A leader takes people where they want to go.
A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go,
but ought to be there."
Rosalyn Carter
"We all have our time machines.
Some take us back; they're called emotions.
Some take us forward; they're called dreams."
Jeremy Irons
A Democrat is a Republican,
that spent a night in jail.
"The people of these United States are the rightful master of both Congresses and courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Abraham Lincoln
The average person uses one 100 foot tall Douglas Fir each year in paper goods alone.
Experience is the thing you have left when everything else is gone.
How can there be self-help groups?
REMEMBER: You don't stop laughing because you are old.
You grow old because you stop laughing.
"If fingers have fingernails....shouldn't thumbs have thumbtacks?"
dennis the menace. 11.2017
“Don’t sit around doing nothing.
Get up and do something.”
Ida Keeling
103 Year Old Marathoner
“ Can’t Nothing Bring Me Down” Book
As important as these opportunities are, it is also critical that we have places “to hear ourselves think,” away from the growing clamor of the planet. “In wildness is the preservation of the world,” wrote Henry Thoreau. It is just as true today as when he penned that nearly 200 years ago.
Henry David Thorea
“Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.”
The noisy babble of a stream crossing the trail,
made me pause to enjoy a sound
I hadn't heard in months.
Chic. 1.5.2015
There is a high.
A high that comes
from being in the mountains.
If you'd never been there,
you are missing out.
Go to the mountains.
Experience nature's high.
chic. 8.12.2014
When I write.
I put myself out there.
Expose my soul.
Hope that I inform.
Desiring to inspire.
But don't quote me on that.
chic. 8.12.2014
When the Seven Sisters came into view,
all white and proud,
my thots turned to skiing.
My hopes are for a decent year,
my dreams are much deeper.
Chic. 11.5.2015
as exciting
and arousing as it is,
can not
compare to a day of powder skiing.
WHAT you ask?
Does your sex last all day?
chic. 3.5.2016
The power of the excitement,
of cranking down thru powder,
is simply too addictive to stop.
chic. 3.5.2016
Any day adrift on the water,
bobbing and coasting gently
with the waves, is one that
calms the soul and allows one
to reflect.
My heart is saddened.
My soul is damaged.
My self, is in turmoil.
Can we survive?
I think not.
chic. 6.7.2016.
Where will it all end?
Where will the nation turn?
Why must we be so ignorant?
Why don't we think?
What will we do?
What will become of us?
Too bad we haven't used
common sense.
Not even once.
chic. 6.7.2016
The Environment of Our Earth
We use it.
We neglect it.
We ignore it.
We treat it as renewable.
We pollute it.
We rape it.
We ravage it.
When will we learn?
chic. 6.7.2016
We have learned from History,
that we haven’t learned from History
That is beyond comprehension.
A phrase that means so much to those who care.
A phrase that politicians and governing agencies fear.
A phrase that could save us.
A phrase that means so much.
Yet it's a phrase we need to utilize in all of life.
chic. 6.7.2016
Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something.
(Like Donald J. Trump maybe)
Anton Chekhov Russian Playwright
and Fall,
as nice as they are,
are simply fillers
between ski seasons.
chic. 4.19.2017
A New Years resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.
My computer said I had to change my password.
I entered “beef stew”
My computer said “Sorry password not stroganoff.”
No one is more hated
then he who tells
the truth.
“There are no bad people,
just uneducated people”.
To travel,
to experience
and learn:
That bis to live.
Tenzing Norgay
Walking is a man's best medicine.
The Earth has music
for those who listen.
George Santayaana
If you can find a path
with no obstacles,
it probably doesn't
lead anywhere.
Frank A. Clark
The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.
Loa Tzu
I go to Nature
to be soothed
and healed,
and to have my
senses put together.
John Burroughs
Perhaps the truth
depends on a walk
around a lake.
Jeff Alessandrelli
Leave the road,
take the trails.
Theres a whole world out there,
right outside your window.
You'd be a fool
to miss it.
Charlotte Eriksson
I am not lost,
I"m exploring.
Jana Stanfield
Nature is not a place to visit,
it is home.
Gary Snyder
Adopt the pace of Nature.
Her secret is patients.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature is the source
of all true knowledge.
Leonardo da Vinci
The goal in life
is living in agreement
with Nature.
Time spent amongst trees
is never a waist of time.
Katrina Mayer
Always be on the lookout
for the presence of wonder.
E. B. WShite
There is no Wi-FI in the forest,
but I promise you will find
a better connection.
Ralph Smart
"We don't inherit the Earth
from out ancestors,
we borrow it from our children".
Chief Seattle
Where flowers bloom, so does hope.
Lady Bird Johnson
Storms make trees take deeper roots.
Dolly Parton
I think having land
and not ruining it
is the most beautiful art
that anyone could ever want.
Andy Warhol
Sunsets are proof
that endings
can often be beautiful, too.
Beau Taplin
Spring is Natures way of saying,
Let"s Party.
Robin Williams
We still don"t
one thousandth of one percent
of what has revealed to us.
Albert Einstein
Study Nature,
love Nature,
stay close to Nature.
It will never fail you.
Frank Lloyd Wright
I believe in God,
only I spell it Nature.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Choose only one master...Nature.
Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot,
the only home we've ever known.
Carl Sagan
The Earth has music
for those who listen.
William Shakespeare
A weed is no more
than a flower in Disguise.
James Russell Lowell
Although we say mountains belong to the country,
actually, they belong to those that love them.
The riches I achieve come from Nature,
the source of my inspiration
Claude Monet
Life sucks a lot less
when you add mountain air,
a campfire
and some peace and quiet.
Brooke Hampton
If you can't be in awe of Mother Nature,
There's something wrong with you.
Alex Trebek
Those whom find beauty
in all of Nature
will find themselves
at one
with the secrets of life itself.
L. Wolfe Gilbert
My father considered
a walk amongst the mountains
as the equivalent
of churchgoing.
Aldous Huxley
Where ever you go,
no matter what the weather,
always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D"Angelo
Some people walk in the rain,
others just get wet.
Roger Miller
Nature is the purest portal
to inner peace.
Josiah Soto